Thursday, February 24, 2011

The school year is about to end! Yipeeeee!

Hey everyone! Did you notice that February is almost over and that March is fast approaching? Well, I guess it’s time to celebrate! Oh yeah, I forgot. March is still a hell month to most of us especially to the high school and college students. The projects, long tests, thesis, major papers, and finals are still with us. So, our suggestion is, why don’t you enjoy the last month of the school year with your classmates, schoolmates, and teachers/professors? You can still have fun while studying and cramming for your paper works, right?

Turn everything in an optimistic point of view. Instead of procrastinating, do your projects and study first. One month to go and you’ll be “free” again (except for those who have summer classes) Anyway, summer will be so much fun if you don’t have things to worry about. So, do everything for school now and have fun later. Good luck to those who have lots of academic things to do, especially to those who have to study for their examinations. God bless you all! ^^

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